Plastic lined pipe comes in standard spool lengths of 10 and 20  feet. PTFE lined pipe from some manufacturers is only available in 10-  foot spools. This is not usually a problem unless the manufacturer tries  to weld or seam together two 10-foot liners to make a 20-foot spool.  The stress on that seam could cause it to fail in normal service conditions. The ASTM for plastic lined pipe, F-1545, calls for  all plastic lined  piping systems to pass a steam cold water cycling test. These  seamed liners may not pass this test. When seamed liners are placed in service  and cycled, they could fail catastrophically. Seaming, welding, or expanding  of  liners also occurs in some manufacturers fittings, usually where  a PTFE preform liner is not available or where the manufacturer does not have the proper  molding equipment or tooling to mold the fitting.  All fittings in a plastic lined piping system should have a one piece  homogeneous liner that is molded in  place after all the metal fabrication  has been done to the fitting. Anything less is not Quality construction.  Remember, plastic lined pipe and plastic lined fittings are generally used where other materials won't work. It is very  important that they be made of the best materials available due to the severe  service conditions  they are used in.


Ultra high purity  water or chemicals require a plastic lined piping  system that will not reduce  product purity through leaching of contaminates  from the liner. Manufacturers of plastic lined pipe and plastic lined  fittings offer them with virgin  unpigmented liners. Some are not really virgin or unpigmented. If purity is a  concern in your process, verify that your supplier of plastic lined pipe is  really giving you a virgin unpigmented resin. Some manufacturers use resins that  are reprocessed from other processes in their companies and are not really virgin. In  unpigmented polypropylene some manufacturers add titanium dioxide to  help hide the stress whitening that occurs when polypropylene is processed.  Titanium dioxide is a white pigment. These are important considerations when  determining who should supply the plastic lined pipe when extractables  are critical in your application.

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